

Git es una herramienta esencial para los ingenieros de software, ya que permite un control de versiones, una colaboración y una gestión de proyectos eficientes. Tanto si trabajas en un proyecto individual como si formas parte de un equipo grande, dominar los comandos de Git es fundamental para optimizar el flujo de trabajo de desarrollo. Esta guía cubre los comandos de Git más comunes que necesitarás, lo que proporciona una base sólida para gestionar tu base de código, realizar un seguimiento de los cambios y coordinarte con otros desarrolladores. Al familiarizarte con estos comandos, puedes mejorar tu productividad y garantizar un progreso fluido del proyecto. Profundicemos en los comandos de Git clave que todo ingeniero de software debería conocer.


1. configuración de git
Purpose: Configure Git settings, such as user name and email.

Example: git config --global "Your Name"

2. git init
Purpose: Initialize a new Git repository.

Example: git init

3. clon de git
Purpose: Clone an existing repository.

Example: git clone

4. estado de git
Purpose: Show the working directory and staging area status.

Example: git status

5. git add
Purpose: Add file contents to the index (staging area).

Example: git add . (add all files)

6. confirmación de git
Purpose: Record changes to the repository.

Example: git commit -m "Commit message"

7. Git push
Purpose: Update remote refs along with associated objects.

Example: git push origin main

8. git pull
Purpose: Fetch from and integrate with another repository or local branch.

Example: git pull origin main

9. rama git
Purpose: List, create, or delete branches.

Example: git branch new-branch (create new branch)

10. Pago en Git
Purpose: Switch branches or restore working tree files.

Example: git checkout new-branch (switch to branch)

11. interruptor git
Purpose: Switch branches.

Example: git switch new-branch

12. fusión git
Purpose: Join two or more development histories together.

Example: git merge new-branch (merge new-branch into current branch)

13. Git rebase
Purpose: Reapply commits on top of another base tip.

Example: git rebase main

14. registro git
Purpose: Show commit logs.

Example: git log --oneline

15. diferencia git
Purpose: Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc.

Example: git diff (show unstaged changes)

16. mostrar git
Purpose: Show various types of objects.

Example: git show HEAD (show changes in the last commit)

17. alijo git
Purpose: Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away.

Example: git stash

18. git stash pop
Purpose: Apply the changes recorded in the stash to the working directory.

Example: git stash pop

19. git limpio
Purpose: Remove untracked files from the working directory.

Example: git clean -fd

20. Git remoto
Purpose: Manage set of tracked repositories.

Example: git remote add origin

21. git fetch
Purpose: Download objects and refs from another repository.

Example: git fetch origin

22. git remoto -v
Purpose: Show the URLs that a remote name corresponds to.

Example: git remote -v

23. etiqueta git
Purpose: Create, list, delete, or verify a tag object.

Example: git tag -a v1.0 -m "Version 1.0"

24. git push origin –etiquetas
Purpose: Push all tags to the remote repository.

Example: git push origin --tags

25. reinicio git
Purpose: Reset current HEAD to the specified state.

Example: git reset --hard HEAD~1 (reset to previous commit)

26. Git revertir
Purpose: Create a new commit that undoes the changes from a previous commit.

Example: git revert HEAD

27. git checkout —
Purpose: Discard changes in the working directory.

Example: git checkout -- file.txt (discard changes in file.txt)

28. git cherry-pick
Purpose: Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits.

Example: git cherry-pick <commit-hash>

29. rama git -d
Purpose: Delete a branch.

Example: git branch -d branch-name

30. rama git -D
Purpose: Force delete a branch.

Example: git branch -D branch-name

31. git merge –no-ff
Purpose: Create a merge commit even when the merge resolves as a fast-forward.

Example: git merge --no-ff new-branch

32. git rebase -i
Purpose: Start an interactive rebase.

Example: git rebase -i HEAD~3

33. git diff –staged
Purpose: Show changes between the index and the last commit.

Example: git diff --staged

34. echarle la culpa

Purpose: Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file.

Example: git blame file.txt

35. git log –graph
Purpose: Show a graph of the commit history.

Example: git log --graph --oneline

36. registro de referencia de git
Purpose: Show a log of all references.

Example: git reflog

37. lista de almacenamiento en git
Purpose: List all stashes.

Example: git stash list

38. git stash aplicar
Purpose: Apply a stash to the working directory.

Example: git stash apply stash@{1}

39. git stash soltar
Purpose: Remove a single stash entry from the list of stashes.

Example: git stash drop stash@{1}

40. espectáculo remoto git
Purpose: Show information about the remote repository.

Example: git remote show origin

41. git rm remoto
Purpose: Remove a remote.

Example: git remote rm origin

42. git pull –rebase
Purpose: Fetch and rebase the current branch on top of the upstream branch.

Example: git pull --rebase origin main

43. git fetch –all

Purpose: Fetch all remotes.

Example: git fetch --all

44. git bisect
Purpose: Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug.

Example: git bisect start

45. submódulo git
Purpose: Initialize, update, or inspect submodules.

Example: git submodule update --init

46. ​​archivo git
Purpose: Create an archive of files from a named tree.

Example: git archive --format=tar HEAD > archive.tar

47. registro breve de git
Purpose: Summarize git log output.

Example: git shortlog -s -n

48. git describe

Purpose: Give an object a human-readable name based on an available ref.

Example: git describe --tags

49. Git rev-parse
Purpose: Parse revision (or other objects) and retrieve its hash.

Example: git rev-parse HEAD

50. etiqueta git -d
Purpose: Delete a tag from the local repository.

Example: git tag -d v1.0

51.git checkout-b
Purpose: Create and switch to a new branch.

Example: git checkout -b new-branch

52. git push origen –delete
Purpose: Delete a remote branch.

Example: git push origin --delete branch-name

53. cereza git
Purpose: Find commits not merged upstream.

Example: git cherry -v

54.git rm
Purpose: Remove files from the working tree and from the index.

Example: git rm file.txt

55. Git mv
Purpose: Move or rename a file, directory, or symlink.

Example: git mv oldname.txt newname.txt

.56 git restablece el encabezado
Purpose: Unstage changes.

Example: git reset HEAD file.txt

57. git log-p
Purpose: Show changes over time for a specific file.

Example: git log -p file.txt

58. git diff –cached
Purpose: Show changes between the index and the last commit (same as --staged).

Example: git diff --cached

59. git aplicar
Purpose: Apply a patch to files and/or to the index.

Example: git apply patch.diff

60. parche de formato git
Purpose: Prepare patches for e-mail submission.

Example: git format-patch -1 HEAD

61. git soy
Purpose: Apply a series of patches from a mailbox.

Example: git am < patch.mbox

62. git cherry-pick –continuar
Purpose: Resume cherry-picking after resolving conflicts.

Example: git cherry-pick --continue

63. git fsck
Purpose: Verify the connectivity and validity of objects in the database.

Example: git fsck

64. git gc
Purpose: Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository.

Example: git gc

65. git poda
Purpose: Remove unreachable objects from the object database.

Example: git prune

66. notas de git
Purpose: Add or inspect object notes.

Example: git notes add -m "Note message"

67. git qué cambió
Purpose: Show what changed, similar to git log.

Example: git whatchanged

68. git muestra la rama *
Purpose: Show branches and their commits.

Example: git show-branch

69. etiqueta de verificación git
Purpose: Check the GPG signature of tags.

Example: git verify-tag v1.0

70. git muestra referencia
Purpose: List references in a local repository.

Example: git show-ref

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